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 OWL Organizations february 2002


november 2001 january 2002 february 2002 march 2002
april 2002 june 2002 jule 2002 august 2002
september 2002 october 2003 november 2003 january 2004
march 2004

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International Association Diamond, (Kyrgyzstan)


International Association Diamond has been established by women teachers and researchers of colleges of Bishkek town as non-governmental social organization and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Crisis Center Zabota (Care), Almaty


Mission of the organization: development of conditions for forming praxis of non-violence relations in the society by means of rendering assistance to women and children victims of violence, as well as by means of social and psychological rehabilitation and adaptation, development of educational programs and propaganda of non-violence through mass media.

Regional social organization Womens Club Artemis, (Buryatiya)


Mission of the organization: rendering of financial, material and moral assistance for poor women, single mothers and members of their families, creation of real conditions for involving of Buryatiyan women into active movement for preservation of environment and protection of motherhood.

Severodvinsk municipal social organization of families having many children Sem Ya


Mission of the organization: social protection of families having many children, rendering of moral and financial support for families having many children.

Social Charity Foundation of Ukhta Obzhshiy Dom (Common House)


Organization is exercising control on observance of prisoners rights in correctional institutions and is rendering assistance to former prisoners

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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ROO "East-West: Women's Innovation Projects"
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