"Woman director of the year" will be elected for the sixth time in Russia
The 6th All-Russian contest "Woman director of the Year" starts in Russia. Contest is organized by the Russian Association of women entrepreneurs. more on Russian: http://www.owl.ru/content/news/vestnik/p51111.shtml
The one and only woman candidate for the position of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region is Alevtina Makovoz - the head of the local Red Cross organization.
US First Lady Laura Bush presented annual award for contribution to development of democracy on July 9. Award was presented to Muborak Tashpulatova, director of one of Tashkent social-educational centers.
For the first time in the history of the country, a woman has been appointed the new prime minister of South Korea - Chan San, head of the "Ikhva" University.
We have the honour to inform you that on 13-14 February 2003 Tallinn will host the Third Baltic Sea Women's Conference on WoMen and Democracy with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia as the main organiser.
On July 2 seminar "Woman and Politics" took place in Barnaul. Altai School of Political Researches organized it in cooperation with the League of Women Voters of Altai.
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