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 OWL International news

Steps to equal rights

02-09-2002 RIA "Novosti"

  Commander-in-chief of Chili Naval Forces said that in the next year women get a possibility to serve in the naval forces as medical officers and judges.
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see also:

Leaflet "Your right"

Altai regional social organization "Young journalists of Altai" published the leaflet titled "Your right". Leaflet includes extracts of frequently asked questions from the column "Your right" of the youth Internet newspaper "Territory".

Following Turkish big brother's example. A draft has been worked out in Kazakhstan that is giving equal rights to men and women.

"Bringing up their own Thatchers, Handis and Bhuttos is not the true intention of men in the post-Soviet space - nobody wants competition".

Integrated approach to the problem of equality between men and women (Gender Mainstreaming)

Report of the Specialists group of the Department for equality between men and women issues of the Board for Human Rights in the Council of Europe (Strasburg, May 1998).

Campaign for equality between men and women and improvement of women's situation.Collected informational materials of the UNO Department for social information, 2001

Four global conferences on women's situation, called by UNO during the last quarter of the century, helped to focus attention of the world community on the problem of gender equality. Resolutions of conferences consolidated people of the whole world to achieve common targets and to work out an effective plan of activities in order to improve women's situation in all the spheres of social and private life.

Convention on the equal compensation for men and women for work of the equal value (1953)

Approved June 29, 1951 by the 34th Session of the General Assembly if the International Labour Organization. Coming into force: May, 23 1953 according to the article 6.

Conception of legislative activities aimed at securing of equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women

Conception of legislative activities aimed at securing of equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women (further - Conception) is based on the fact that women's rights are an integral part of human rights in general. Equality of rights and freedoms of citizens regardless of the sex is pronounced and secured by the Russian Federation Constitution, legislation of the Russian Federation as well as by the standards of international legislation. Article 19 of the Russian federation Constitution proclaims, "men and women have equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for its realization".

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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