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 OWL International documents

Campaign for equality between men and women and improvement of women's situation.Collected informational materials of the UNO Department for social information, 2001

22-01-2002 ***

  Four global conferences on women's situation, called by UNO during the last quarter of the century, helped to focus attention of the world community on the problem of gender equality. Resolutions of conferences consolidated people of the whole world to achieve common targets and to work out an effective plan of activities in order to improve women's situation in all the spheres of social and private life.
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see also:

In Florida women will be forced to publish their sex-revelations

Activists of the movement for civil freedoms and equal rights criticized sharply the law that is forcing women to tell about their sexual life in municipal newspapers.

Steps to equal rights

Commander-in-chief of Chili Naval Forces said that in the next year women get a possibility to serve in the naval forces as medical officers and judges.

Following Turkish big brother's example. A draft has been worked out in Kazakhstan that is giving equal rights to men and women.

"Bringing up their own Thatchers, Handis and Bhuttos is not the true intention of men in the post-Soviet space - nobody wants competition".

World conference on Human Rights.Vienna Declaration and Program of Activities (1993)

On June 25, 1993 representatives of 171 countries accepted in consensus Vienna Declarations and Program of activities of the World Conference on Human Rights, successfully concluding lasted for two weeks World Conference and rendering to the international community the general plan of strengthening activities in the field of human rights globally.

Convention on women's political rights (1954)

Opened to signing and ratification by the resolution 640 (VII) of the General Assembly dated December 20, 1952. Coming into force: July 7, 1954 according to the article VI.

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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ROO "East-West: Women's Innovation Projects"
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