Petrova Natalia Petrova Natalia
Ph.D. for Economical Science, President of the Interregional Public Organization "Federation of Women Entrepreneurs"

"From the words, if we really want them to become reality, a hard and sometimes ungrateful work should follow which will require considerable efforts. Are many of us ready to start this work, which is not promising any awards?"

"I love fairy tales but I do not believe in them."

What actions could help the society to change existing stereotypes standing in the way of women's self-realization?

First of all the society itself - at least its female half - should be eager to change these stereotypes.

When we are talking about stereotypes we should realize that we create them ourselves, tend and cherish them. We are talking about the high level of women's activity but who calculated the percentage of that activity? Social active women do exist, for sure, but what is the percentage of them in the society? From the words, if we really want them to become reality, a hard and sometimes ungrateful work should follow which will require considerable efforts. Are many of us ready to start this work, which is not promising any awards? We should understand, that most of women do not have source of revenue, which would allow them to dedicate themselves to the social work. They are forced to care about their homes and children in the first place.

What would lead our society to the change of these stereotypes - positive development of our economy or improvement of living standard or someone's good will? It could be the will of a certain "power" with real financial recourses and eager to change these stereotypes. But we should have in view that this "power" would fulfill all these changes to solve its own certain problems. I would like to answer more optimistic and fantastic. I love fairy tales but I do not believe in them.

What do you think about activation of women's involvement into political, social and economical life of the society?

As I think either the speeded up development of the economy or certain political power could stir up this process.

What ways of partnership are possible between women leaders of political and commercial structures and women's social initiatives?

This is a very delicate question. I think it can be solved not through creation of new organizations including women's organizations but through creation of permanent round tables (on different subjects). Public women's organizations and women leaders should participate in that round tables as equal partners.