Women who could combine work of the secretary, bookkeeper and the personnel officer are necessary for firms with the big salary. And they should have skills of work with a computer.
As a whole, on results of research, about 23 percents of women in Britain and 15 percents of British men "got a physical attack" from the partners in life even time during lives.
According to Goskomstat of republic, gender distinctions in a payment in many respects are caused by professional - branch structure of employment. Traditionally women work in education, public health services, culture and art.
Only 7 % interrogated consider, that for the Russian women important equality in the rights with men. Sex stands on one of penultimate places (4 %) and will overtake only religious belief (2 %).
Thus opinions of men and women on this question are separate. To woman in Russia, in opinion of respondents, it is more difficult to do career. Women (62 %) is more often are convinced of it, but also the majority of men (55 %) with them are solidary.
Such statistics the weekly journal "Arguments and facts in Mari El" results, marking, as the truth, that the majority of responsible posts belongs to men.
Experts of Department of federal public service of employment of the population on the Amur area have carried out the analysis of position of women on labor market.
However men is more often address for the help in employment to the center. According to the deputy director of the Center of employment of the population under the information and development of social partnership of Anatoly Kudrjashov, densities of vacancies for women makes only 33 %. Besides an average level of wages which is offered them by employers, below, than at men.