Round table "Middle East conflict and civil peacemaking initiatives: what mass media do not mention"
Nina Grebenschikova
Non-governmental regional social organization "Club of businesswomen and women professionals", Novosibirsk and non-commercial social organization "League of women voters" took part among several women's organizations in the round table "Middle East conflict and civil peacemaking initiatives: what mass media do not mention" more on Russian:
We understand that in case you watch news on TV you have more questions than answers. Therefore, I forward official letter – position of the Soros Foundation concerning the building in Oserkovskaya str., 8.
Regional social organization "Vostok-Zapad: Women's Innovations Projects" announces opening of the English version of the portal "Woman and Society" ( Annotations of all the news and articles, which are placed at the portal's Russian version, are translated into English.
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