Competition of partnership library projects "Countryside library - informational center of the local community"
Soros Foundation
"Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation) - Russia is announcing the open all-Russian competition in the frames of the mega-project "Pushkin library". The competition is aimed at philanthropic financing of partnership library projects directed to stirring up of countryside libraries activities by means of rendering of comprehensive methodical and informational assistance from central regional libraries. Applications for the competition are accepted until September 13, 2002. more on Russian:
Partnership on the global security under support of the Macarthur Foundation is presenting 8 dissertation grants on the subject: "Global security and cooperation".
German-Russian Forum is granting for the third time the award for civil initiative with Russia in order to support civil initiatives as well as to attract public attention to activities of civil initiatives in Russia.
Aim of the Competition: assistance to spreading out achievements of the Russian culture and introducing of cultural values to different sections of the population, support of traditions of the multinational culture of Russia as well as activities aimed at overcoming of disconnection and improving of tolerance in the Russian society.
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