- Information seminar on "Improving the quality of public transport" (9.11.2010, Petrozavodsk)
The organizers of the event were the NGO "Information Center of the Independent Women's Forum" and NP "Karelian Resource Center of Public Organizations" supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karelia and the Administration of Petrozavodsk city district, and the Foundation to support innovative projects "New Dimension".
The seminar was held under the project "Gender Inclusive Cities: Increasing women's safety by identifying and disseminating effective and promising approaches that promote women's equal access to public spaces".
The seminar was attended by representatives of the Petrozavodsk State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the Office of the State road supervision, administration of the city, road transport companies and members of social organizations.
On the agenda was only a a question of improving the quality of public transport.
- Seminar on "Improving the safety of women and reduction of violence" for the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Karelia and the Internal Affairs Directorate of Petrozavodsk (29.06.2010, Karelia, town Lososinoe).
The seminar was organized by NGO "Information Center of the Independent Women's Forum" and NP "Karelian Resource Center of Public Organizations".
Seminar was held under the project "Improving the safety of women and reducing violence through practical activities in local areas".
Participants: Ministry of Interior employees in the Republic of Karelia and the Internal Affairs Directorate of Petrozavodsk, the staff of the Administration of Petrozavodsk city district, representatives of NGO "Information Center of the Independent Women's Forum" and NP "Karelian Resource Center for NGOs".
The main objective of the seminar: the development plan for concerted action to improve safety and reduce violence against women in the city of Petrozavodsk.
- Seminar: "Safer city - new approaches. The input of nongovernmental
organization and citizen local groups in safety issue" (19-21.12.08,
Organizers: ICIWF (Moscow), Karelian Ministry of Home Affairs, "Citizens
and House" (Petrozavodsk).
The goal of a seminar: discussion of modern approaches to a problem of
construction of a safe city, reduction of criminality against women. A
role in this process of public institutes and local groups.
- Section of Second women's Russian congress: "Contemporary Problems
of education. The role of women's initiatives in creation of innovative
approaches" (28.11.08, Moscow)
- Round table: "The Development of Cooperation between High Educational
Institutions and Women's Nongovernmental Organization for Integration Gender
Issues in Syllabus" (29.10.08, Moscow)
- Round table: "The Role of Women-Artists Social Activities in
Their Creative Work" (08.04.08, Moscow).
- Seminar: "History on Women's Movement in Russia "
(07.03.08, Moscow, office ICIWF).
- Seminar: "Increase of Social Activity of Mothers"
(25-27.01.08, Putcino, Moskovskaya oblast.
- Seminar: "Obstacles and Challenges Gender Mainstreaming in
Russia" (27.12.07, Moscow).
Number of participants - 12. Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: the analysis of integration problems of of the complex
gender approach at conditions of modern Russia
- Seminar: "Safe Cities and Women's Agenda" (12.12.07,
Number of participants - 12. Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: the discussion of modern approaches to improvement
of women's position
- Seminar: "Building a Safe City Friendly to Women and Children.
Getting Safety Audit Tools" (26 – 29.11.07, Petrozavodsk)
Number of participants - 32. Organizers: ICIWF (Moscow), "Citizens
and House" (Petrozavodsk)
The goal of a seminar: mastering by skills of the gender approach to city
- Seminar "Gender Approach and Educational Skills. Effectiveness
and Social Activity" (10.10.07, Moscow).
Number of participants - 15. Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: discussion of difficulties of realisation of the
gender approach in Russia
- Seminar: "Engendering Economic Policies in Globalizing World:
a Closer Look at International Financial Institutions» " (7.08.07,
Number of participants - 9. Organizer: ICIWF.
The goal of a seminar: Discussion on materials of the Summer school spent
by Heinrich Buelle Foundation in Washington 28 July - 4 August
- Seminar: "Social Family Center "Three Generations"
– Resources for Development and Supporting Young Women. Finding Social
Tools for Children and Adults" (13-15.07.07, Putchino)
Number of participants - 46. Organizers: ICIWF, Family Center "Tree
Generations", Putchino.
The goal of a seminar: Search of innovative methods of work of the Family
- Seminar: "Territorial and Local Initiatives and Its Influence
on City Land Tools. International and Russian Experience" (19.03.07
and 23.03.07, Moscow)
Number of participants: 9. Organizer: ICIWF.
The goal of a seminar: Distribution of the international experience
- Seminar: "Russian Women's Movement History – 8 of March"
(6.03.07, Moscow).
Number of participants - 6. Organizer: ICIWF.
The goal of a seminar: educational seminar for members of ICIWF
- Seminar "Main Topics of Women’s Activism and Women’s Movement.
History and Nowadays" (27.12.06, Moscow).
Number of participants - 13. Organizer: ICIWF.
The goal of a seminar: The discussion on effective strategies of development
of women’s movement.
- Seminar "Officials, Inhabitants, Business. Partnership and
Cooperation" (13-16.12.06, Petrozavodsk).
Number of participants - 49. Organizers: ICIWF, "Citizens and House"
(Petrozavodsk) together with "ETRON".
The goal of a seminar: increasing of civil activity of inhabitants and
social responsibility of business in sphere of housing-and-municipal reform.
Creating the hew model of interacting between local authorities, inhabitants
and business.
- Seminar "Innovative Approach in the Social Work. Exchange of
Women’s Experience and Collaboration Development between Women’s NGO"
(27-29.11.06, Moscow).
Number of participants - 17. Organizer: ICIWF.
The goal of a seminar: implementation new methods in social work for leaders
of women’s organizations and social initiatives.
- Seminar "Art in Educational Programs for Empowerment of Women
Teachers and Children from Boarding Schools" (9-10, 11, 06, Putchino).
Number of participants - 31. Organizers: ICIWF, the center of the psychological
help "Art and health", the Putchino resourse center "Solnishko".
The goal of a seminar: consolidation of women-employees of boarding schools
in Moscow and Putchino by cooperation and an exchange of experience between
ICIWF, Special boarding school N 105, the Putchino resourse center "Solnishko"
and the center of the psychological help "Art and health".
- Seminar "Development of the Mechanism of Interaction on Preventive
Maintenance of Homelessness, Neglect and Offences of Minors in Karelia
Republic" (12-14.10.06, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Educational center
of the Ministry of Home Affairs)
Organizers: ICIWF, the Karelian Ministry of Home Affairs
The goal of a seminar: to adjust cooperation between law-enforcement bodies,
the state and municipal services (whose conducting includes work with family
and children) and public organizations (concerned with rights of children)
and leaders of territorial public self-managements of Petrozavodsk.
- Seminar "Introduction of New Social Forms in Work with Children
of Boarding Schools and Other Social Centers for Children" (29.09.06,
Moscow, Special boarding school N 105, in joint support of H. Bielle Foundation
and Moscow Government)
Organizers: ICIWF, the center of the psychological help " Art and
health ", Special boarding school N 105.
The goal of a seminar: rehabilitation of women-employees of boarding schools,
creation of space for cooperation and an exchange of experience between
Special boarding school N 105, the Putcino resourse center "Solnishko",
ICIWF and the center of the psychological help " Art and health ".
- Seminar "Participation of Women's Groups, Youth and Busyness
Structures in Work on an Accomplishment of City" (12.09.06, Putchino,
Moscow region)
Organizers: ICIWF, store "Lucky Fortune", Putchino Central library,
the center of out-of-school work "Ivolga", Putchino's youth center,
initiative parents, Education department of Administration of city.
The goal of a seminar: the Report on the lead works on creation of a public
children's playground and discussion of plans for the future. The organization
of the public social center "Three Generations".
- Seminar "The International Experience of the Contribution of
the Women's Organizations in Increase of a Management Efficiency"
(03.08.06, Moscow, office of ICIWF)
Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: the analysis of ways of the decision of modern problems
of women in political, economic and labour spheres.
- a) Seminar "The Strategies of Involvement of Inhabitants in
Organization of Public Services and Amenities of City Territories"
(26. 07. O6, Putchino).
Number of participants - 30. Organizers: ICIWF, store "Lucky Fortune",
Putchino Central library.
The goal of a seminar: to create of coalition between inhabitants.
b) Seminar "Civil Initiatives and Sustainable Development of Cities.
The Results of the Work of Consortium of Projects "Ecopolis-Putchino".
(26-27. 07. 06, Putchino).
Organizers: ICIWF, Administration and Advice of deputies of the city of
Puthchino, the Moscow representation of Institute of Sustainable Communities,
Fund "Sustainable development", "Teplovodocanal" (Puthchino).
Number of participants – 60. The goal of a seminar: sum up concluding results
of cooperation through joint programs and projects on inclusion of youth,
employees of educational sphere, public health services in sustainable
development of city.
- Seminar "Search of Ways of Interaction of Public Organizations
and the Municipal Social Centers of the Help to Family and Children"
(12.04.06, Moscow, office of ICIWF)
Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: Discussion of problems and prospects of cooperation
of public organizations and the municipal social centers. Creation of new
mechanisms of interaction. A writing of the project directed on strengthening
of women-psychologists and teachers, working in the social centers of the
help to family and children.
- Seminar "From History of the Russian Women's Movement: on March,
8th - the International Day of Struggle for the Rights of Women Workers"
(7.03.06, Moscow, office of IC IWF)
Organizer: ICIWF
The goal of a seminar: discussion of historical lessons of the Russian
women's movement of end XIX - beginning XX of centuries.
- Seminar: "On Whom Development of our City Depends? Educational
Strategy" (10-12.01.06, Putchino, Moscow oblast)
Organizer: ICIWF, Administration and Advice of deputies of the city of
Puthchino, the Moscow representation of Institute of Sustainable Communities,
Fund " Sustainable development ", "Teplovodocanal"
(Puthchino), the Moscow regional center ROLL, innovative - technological
center "Rin-Upak" The goal of a seminar: development of cooperation
and social partnership through joint programs and projects on inclusion
of youth, employees of educational sphere, public health services in sustainabledevelopment
of city.
- Seminar "Holistic Approach to Urban Problem's Decision" (27-28.12.05,
Moscow, office of ICIWF).
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 15.
The goal of a seminar: To discuss the new phenomena arising in conditions
of globalization and to produce new strategy of actions.
- Seminar Habitat JAM (internet on-line discussion) "Cities Friendly
for Women and Children" (1-3.12.05, Moscow, office of ICIWF) (program
"International activity").
Number of participants - 17 (from Tver, Petrozavodsk, Putchino, Snezhinsk.
The seminar passed in the framework of preparation for the World Urban
Forum in Canada in 2006. The Internet-discussion it was spent under aegis
of the UN-Habitat.
The goal of a seminar-discussion: development of the international dialogue
on problems of cities, translations of experience of the Russian women
in universal space and adjustment of cooperation directed by setting and
the decision of city problems.
- Interregional seminar "Russian Young People in the Situation
of Quick Social Changes" (22-26.11.05, Sochy).
Organizer: ICIWF, Committee on affairs of youth of administration of city
Sochi, Inter-regional information centre-advisory "Tochka opori"
("Point of a support "),
number of participants - 40 (24 organizations).
- Interregional seminar "Tolerance is Skill ror Joint Living"
(19-22.10.05, Petrozavodsk, The educational center of the Ministry
of Home Affairs RK).
Organizers: ICIWF, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic Karelia.
The goal of a seminar: Participation in preparation of a personnel reserve
of Ministry of Home Affairs RK and development of interaction mechanisms
between law-enforcement bodies and public organizations concerning observance
of human rights.
- Seminar "Women and Globalization" (11.10.05, Moscow,
Office of IC IWF, program "International activity")
- Seminar "Women Leader Participation in the Development of Local
Neighbor's Communities in Petrozavodsk" (26.09.05, Petrozavodsk).
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 12.
The goal of a seminar: To continue development of idea " Cities, friendly
for women and children " in concrete territory.
- Interregional seminar "Power, Citizens, Business. Cooperate
to Live Better" (7-10.07.05, Petrozavodsk).
Organizers: ICIWF, "Citizens and House" (Petrozavodsk) together
with "ETRON",
number of participants - 56.
The goal of a seminar: Strengthening of a role of women's groups, local
communities for increase of a management efficiency of housing and communal
services in conditions of reorganization, working off of mechanisms of
interaction of local authorities, municipal establishments, inhabitants
and the private serving companies for the decision of specific targets
of an accomplishment of territories.
- Roundtable "Holistic Approach to Decision City Problem"
by theme "City Policy" (17.06.05, Moscow)
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 14.
The goal of a Roundtable: development of partner attitudes between public
organizations and the state structures, searches of ways and opportunities
of association of activity in various directions.
- Scientific conference "Social Initiatives for Overcoming Paternalism
in Society" (27-29.05.05, Moscow)
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 29 (from 9 places).
The goal of a seminar: to discuss and develop approaches and methods for
overcoming passivity of citizens and formations at them feelings of the
responsibility and the initiative, and also search positive practices directed
on strengthening for women .
- Seminar "Youth Society Responsibility for Sustainable City.
Education Strategy" (14-17.04.05, Putchino, Mosow oblast)
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 44.
The goal of a seminar: Increasing of activity of youth and its responsibility
for social development of city.
- "Holistic Approach to the Problem of Women's Safety"
(28.12.04, Moscow).
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 12.
3-th Moscow School for Empowerment of Women for group of psychologists
and women with higher education "Strengthening of women through education".
The school was spent under the initiative of group of the Moscow women,
applied to help to understand a problem of position of women in Russia.
For three months 8 studies, with the general number of participants 63
women have been lead. During employment lectures were read, passed discussions
and were spent interactive trainings.
- Seminar "Humanitarian Approaches to the Problem of Women's
Health" (17-19.12.04, Moscow)
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 19.
The goal of a seminar: Search personal and social positive practices, directed
on women's empowerment.
- Seminar "Social Partnership for Safer Society" (2
– 4.12.04, Petrozavodsk, Karelia).
Organizers: ICIWF and the Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic Karelia,
number of participants - 47.
The goal of a seminar: Preparation of the socially-focused heads of the
Ministry of Home Affairs, development of partner attitudes of women's public
organizations with law-enforcement bodies, increase of a role of women's
groups, the women's organizations in development of mechanisms of increase
of society life's safety.
- Seminar "Widening of Capability of Local Community's Leaders
in Creation of Inhabited Space, More Friendly for Women and Children"
(01.12.04, Petrozavodsk, Karelia).
Organizers: ICIWF and "Citizens and House" (Karelia), , number
of participants - 19.
- Seminar "Collaboration Between Different Sectors in Order to
Realize Socially Significant Projects, Which Were Developed by Women's
Groups in Komy Republic" (28-31.10.04, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic).
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 56.
The goal of a seminar: Increase of a role of women, the women's organizations
and others NGO in development of mechanisms of intersector interaction
in Komi Republic for the decision of social problems
- Seminar "Youth Participation in Sustainable and Safe Development
of City. Gender Aspect." (7-10.10.04, Putchino).
Organizers: ICIWF and Department on culture, sports and affairs of youth
of Putchino Administration, number of participants - 42.
The goal of a seminar: Development of cooperation and social partnership
through joint programs and projects on inclusion of youth in social development
of the city.
- Seminar "International Activity of ICIWF, WUF 2 (World Urban
Forum)" (23.09.04, Moscow)
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 13.
- Seminar "Social Partnership for Safer Society" (15
– 17.07.04, Petrozavodsk, the Educational center of the Ministry of Home
Organizer: ICIWF, number of participants - 27.
The goal of a seminar: Increase of the women's groups and women's organizations
role in development of mechanisms for increasing life's safety, development
of partner attitudes of women's public organizations with law-enforcement
- Seminar "Social Partnership for Safer Society" (13-14.07.04,
Petrozavodsk, 15 participants).
- Seminar "Women-Leaders of Local Communities Participation in
the Decision-Making Process at the Local Level" (16-19.06.04,
Petrozavodsk, 47 participants).
- Seminar "Strategies of Partnership Women's NGO and Law-Enforcement
Bodies for Women's Safety Ensuring" (25.05.04, Moscow, 9 participants).
- Seminar "Social Partnership for Elaboration of Public Machinery
for Safety Area's Promotion" (25-28.03, Petrozavodsk, in cooperation
with City Department of Social Security Police of Petrozavodsk, crisis
center "Maya", 44 participants).
- Seminar "Sharing Experience of Women's Participation in Establishing
of Local Communities Local Self-Governance" (25.03.04, Petrozavodsk)
Organizers: ICIWF and Department on management of the personnel of the
Onega tractor factory, number of participants - 20.
- "Women and Globalization" (28.12.03, Moscow, 16 participants
from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Putchino).
- "Strategic Planning for Successful Development of ICIWF"
(3-5.12.03, Moscow, 12 participants from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg,
Petrozavodsk, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk).
- "Youth and the Social Renovation of Society: Gender Aspect"
(31.10-02.11.03, Saint-Petersburg, in cooperation with youth organization
"Creative initiative laboratory of youth" and Saint-Petersburg
State university, 48 participants from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodsk,
Voronezh, Sochi, Putchino).
- "Partnership Between Local Communities and Law Enforcement
Bodies as a Mechanism for Increasing Local Territories Safety"
(2-4.10.03, Petrozavodsk, in cooperation with City Department of Social
Security Police of Petrozavodsk, crisis center "Maya" and leaders
of neighborhood communities, 47 participants from Moscow, Petrozavodsk,
Putchino, Saratov, Chelyabinsk).
- "Sharing of Experience on Gender Approach into the City's Policy"
(10.10.03, Moscow, 13 persons working for doctor's degree from Baltic
and East-Europe).
- "Social Responsible Leadership School for Heads and Activists
of Local Communities. Women and Society" (4-8.07.03, Moscow, 43
participants from Voronezh, Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Putchino, Saratov,
Snezhinsk, Kasli, Sochi, Suzdal, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Moscow).
- "School of Local Communities' Development. Citizens Participation
in Decision Making Process for the Local Territories' Problems Resolving"
(26-28.05.03, Chelyabinsk, in cooperation with information center "Sodeistvie"
("Assistance") and Chelyabinsk Administration (City authority).
Chelyabinsk, 52 participants from Moscow, Saratov, Snezhinsk, Voronezh,
- "Strategic Planning of Women League Work: Information Ensuring,
Cooperation and Partnership, Impact on the Local and Regional Policy"
(6-7.05.03, Moscow, in cooperation with information-educational center
"Stimula", 21 participants from Moscow and Moscow oblast: Zhukovskiy,
Zaprudnya, village Novo-Nikolskoe, Dubna, Klin, Dmitrov, Sergiev Posad,
- Interregional conference "Informational Space for Women Empowerment"
(17-19.04.03, Moscow, in joint support of Open Society Institute and H.
Bielle Foundation, 35 participants from Dubna, Barnaul, Voronezh, Izhevsk,
Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Omsk, Petrozavodsk, Riga, Snezhinsk, Saint-Petersburg,
Sochi, Syktyvkar, Tarusa, Tver, Ulan-Ude, Moscow).
- "Youth and the Social Renovation of Society: Gender Aspect"
for students, professors and local communities (15-16.03, Petrozavodsk,
in cooperation with Karelian center of gender investigations and State
university of Petrozavodsk, 48 participants from Petrozavodsk, Voronezh,
Saint-Petersburg, Moscow).
- Scientific-practical school for students and professors "Contemporary
Journalism and Society. Gender Perspective" (3.03.03. Kaluga,
in cooperation with Journalistic and Public Relations faculties of Kaluga
branch of the Moscow State Economic Institute, 42 participants from Moscow,
Kaluga and Kaluzhskaya oblast).
- Round table "The Responsible Attitude to Health".
Together with the noncommercial organization " Townswoman and the
house " (2712.02, Moscow)
Number of participants - 29 (from Zhukovsky, Moscow, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk,
Tarusa, Dubna).
- Seminar "Development and Stability of Local Communities"
(28-30.11.02, Petrozavodsk, in joint support of H. Bielle Foundation).
Number of participants - 52 (from Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Saratov, St._Petersburg).
- Seminar "Development of Dialogue at a Level of Local Communities".
In the framework of the project " From Local to Local, from Local
to Global " (31.10 - 02.11.02, Saratov, in joint support of Grassroots
Women's Initiatives towards Good Governance (GROOTS)).
Number of participants - 42 (from Saratov and Saratov's oblast, Moscow,
Voronezh, Snezhinsk).
- Seminar "Interaction of the State Structures and Public Non-profit
Organizations in the Decision of Local Problems (on an example of problems
of prevention and preventive maintenance of domestic violence and children's
neglect) ". In the framework of the program "Strengthening
of Women through Education" (24-26.06.02, Voronezh).
Number of participants - 38 (from Voronezh, Moscow, Snezhinsk, Saratov).
- Round table "Development of Partner Relations and Interaction
of Administrative, State and Business Structures" (23.05.02, Saratov).
Number of participants - 15 (from Saratov, Moscow).
- Seminar "Creativity at Acceptance of Political, Economic and
Social Decisions". In the framework of the project " Introduction
of the Gender Approach in the City Policy and Institutions of Local Government
" (12-14.04.02, Moscow, in joint support of Kanadian Gender fund).
Number of participants - 46 (from Dubna, Moscov, St._Peterburg, Snezhinsk,
Saratov, Tarusa, Chelyabinsk).
- Seminar "Opportunities of Influence of Women's Initiatives
on Development of Tarusa's Area" (22 - 24.02.02, Tarusa, in joint
support of Kanadian Gender fund).
- Seminar "Influence of Women's Initiatives on the City Policy.
A Reality and Prospects" (24 - 26.01.02, Dubna, in joint support
of Kanadian Gender fund).
Number of participants - 63 (from Dubna, Moscov, Snezhinsk, Tarusa, Chelyabinsk).
- Seminar "The Role of Women in the City Policy" (5
- 7.12.01, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk oblast, in joint support of Kanadian
Gender fund).
Number of participants - 95 (from Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk, Moscov, Dubna,
Tarusa, Voronezh, Saratov, St._Peterburg, Norilsk, Novosibirsk and closed
cities Sarov, Ozersk, Lesnoy, Seversk).
- Seminar "The Account of the Gender Factor at Formation of Social
Policy of Cities and Regions" (15 - 16.10.01, Chelyabinsk, in
joint support of Kanadian Gender fund ).
Number of participants - 44 (Ecaterinburg, Dubna, Moscov, Nyazepetrovsk,
Saratov, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk, Tarusa).
- "Introduction of the Gender Approach in the City Policy and
Institutions of Local Government" (29.10 - 01.11.01, Petrozavodsk,
in joint support of H. Bielle Foundation).
Number of participants - 50 (from St._Peterburg, Moscov, Petrozavodsk and
Karelia Republic).
- Seminar "Local territorial communities - possible models for
development of the complete approach in management of cities"
(17 - 19.09.01, Moscow, in joint support of Women Network Program, Open
Society Institute).
Number of participants - 40 (from Novgorod Veliky, Saratov, Petrozavodsk,
Tarusa, Chelyabinsk, Dubna, Moscow, Snezhinsk).
- Seminar "The Role of Women in Local Communities. Experience
of Novgorod Veliky" (6 - 8.08.01, Novgorod Veliky).
Number of participants - 45 (from Novgorod Veliky, Saratov, Petrozavodsk,
Tarusa, Chelyabinsk, Dubna, Moscow, Snezhinsk).
- Seminar "Formation and Development of Territorial Public Self-management
in a Saratov and Participation of Women in this Process ". (1-3.07.01,
Number of participants - 50 (from Novgorod Veliky, Saratov, Petrozavodsk,
Tarusa, Chelyabinsk, Dubna, Moscow, Snezhinsk).
- Final seminar "Local Policy and the Status of Women" (26
- 29.06.00, Moscow).
- Round table "Local Policy of Housing and Communal Services
Reform, Collaboration with Dwellers, Women's Role. School of Experience
Exchange" (8-9.06.00 V. Novgorod).
- Seminar-training of the Association of the Independent Women's Organizations
"Creation and Development the third Sector of the Closed Cities
of Russia" (24 - 26.05.00, Moscow, in partnership with Snezhinsk
city public organization "Women from ZATO") (Snezhinsk).
- Seminar for the representatives of NGOs and authority "Local
Strategies. Local Policy, the Ways to Involve Women's NGOs in Local Sphere"
(15 - 16.05.00, Petrozavodsk, in cooperation with Karelian Center for Gender
- Seminar "Local Strategies. Local Policy, the Ways to Involve
Women's NGOs (School of Experience Exchange)" (10.05.00, Voronezh,
in cooperation with Voronezh City Forum "Independent Women's Democratic
Initiative (NeZhDI)".
- Round table "The Experience in Local Policy and Support of
Local Self-governance. Finding Resources for the Development of Women's
Initiatives in the Framework of Local Self-governance" (21 -22.04.00,
Saratov, in partnership with the Association of Local Self-governance,
- Seminar "Local Policy and the Status of Women. The Results
of Preliminary Work of Regional Coordinators" (17.04.00, Moscow).
- International conference of KARAT Coalition "Beijing+5 Process
in Central and Eastern Europe. Involvement in the Global Discussion at
Regional and International Level. Building the Network and Partnership
Among Women's NGOs" (15 - 16.04.00, Moscow).
- Conference of the Association of the independent Women's Organizations
"the Role of Women's NGOs in Up-to-date Russian Society Formation",
commemorated to the 5th anniversary of ICIWF (11 - 13.01.00, Moscow).
- International seminar "Gender Mainstreaming" (23 -
24.11.99, Moscow, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russian
Federation, Department for Equality of Women and Men of the Council of
- Interregional seminar "Europe and Russia: Experience of Social
Partnership in Women's Interests" (14 -15.04.99, Voronezh, in
partnership with Independent Women's Democratic Initiative NeZhDI, sponsored
by the Council of Europe).
- "Women's Public Organizations and Budget Process in Russia"
(19.02.99, Moscow, in partnership with the Department for Family, Women
and Children Affairs of The Ministry of Labor and Social Development together
with foreign experts).
- "Interregional Network of Information and Educational Centers
for Women. School of Leadership and Development for Women" (16-18.02.99,
- "Work in Associations - New Step in Development in Women's
Movement" (11.12.98, Moscow).
- Jubilee Reading "Women's Movement in the Context of Russian
History" (09 - 10.12.98, Moscow, in partnership with other organizations).
- "Information Centers of Women's NGOs and Housing and Communal
Service Reform: Directions, Ways, Steps" (30.10.98 - 01.11.98,
- "Social Partnership: Perspectives and Projects" (25
-28.05.98, Moscow).
- "Results and Perspectives" (24 - 29.10.97, Moscow).
- International Conference "Women in Social and Cultural Sphere"
(22 - 23.09.97, Moscow).
- "Women's Social Projects: Experience Exchange" (06
- 09.06.97, Zvenigorod).
- "Social Politics: New Possibilities for Women" (7
- 10.02.97, Zvenigorod).
- "Two years to Information Center of the Independent Women's
Forum" (24 - 26.08.96, Volodarskogo Settlement).
- "Regional Information and Educational Centers" (10
- 12.07.96, Moscow).
- "Problems and Rights of Women: Labor, Family, Reforms"
(05.06.96, Pskov).
- "Women in Changing World: Surviving or Development?"
(3 - 4. 06.96, Petrozavodsk).
- International conference "Women and Culture" (30.05.96,
- Conference "Women's Safety" (26 - 28.04.96, St. Petersburg,
in partnership with Petersburg Women's Crisis Psychological Center).
- "Equal Rights - Equal Opportunities" (22.05.96, Tver).
- "Social Partnership: Development of NGOs in Tomsk and Irkutsk.
NGOs: Cooperation with the State" (28 - 30.01.96, Irkutsk).
- "Social Partnership: Development of NGOs in Tomsk and Irkutsk.
The Projects of NGOs and Resources Getting" (8 - 10.01.96, Irkutsk).
- "Strategies of the Independent Women's Movement: before and
after Beijing. From Results to Perspectives" (03 - 06.12.95, Dubna,
in partnership with other organizations).
- "Strategies of the Independent Women's Movement: before and
after Beijing. Strategies of Collaboration" (24 - 27.08.95, sanatorium
"Polet", in partnership with other organizations).
- "Strategies of the Independent Women's Movement: before and
after Beijing. Reforms in Russia - women's view". (07 - 09.04.95,
Serpukhov, in partnership with other organizations).
- "Support of the Institutional Women's Movement in Russia".
Adjusting seminar on the project (10 - 12.02.95, Volodarskogo Settlement).
- "Strategies of the Independent Women's Movement: before and
after Beijing" (16-17. 12.94, Moscow, in partnership with other
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