LEAFLET OF ICIWF" (registered in Ministry for Publishing Affairs,
TV-radio broadcasting, and mass communications)
The main goals of ICIWF: the support of regional women's initiatives, development of educational programs for women, providing the advancement of women, development of information exchange and collaboration among women's NGOs. From the moment of creation the Center started to collect, compile information, and transform this information into the form suitable for dissemination (by mail and e-mail). In 1995 ICIWF started to issue information leaflets. "Information Leaflets" include various information about the events in Russian and international women's movement (seminars and conferences), documents on women's rights, gender research results, violence, drug addiction problems, family planning, and many other topics. Full description is given of the activities of NGOs aimed at the social rehabilitation of some categories of population. ICIWF issues "Information Leaflet of ICIWF" and disseminates by e-mail 3-4 times a month to approximately 200 addresses in 87 towns from 53 regions of Russia and 11 republics from the former USSR, there are 3 persons from USA in this dissemination list. From 1995 till present time 182 "Information Leaflets" were issued. "Information Leaflets of ICIWF" are placed in the Internet http://www.owl.ru/win/infolist. Since 1999 "Information Leaflets" on the site "Open Women Line" (OWL - http://www.owl.ru) are refreshed weekly (at present time it is the highest frequency of refreshing the news line among women's organization of Russia and CIS, this tell about the uniqueness of this electronic edition). It should be marked that the site OWL is seldom low than at the fifth place in nomination "Russia - NGO". The quantity of site attendance was more than 500 000 in 2000. That means that the quantity of "Information Leaflets of ICIWF" readers in the Internet is much more than the number of subscribers of the electronic bulletin. |
![]() "Vesnichka" is a monthly print, which collects "Information Leaflets of ICIWF" issued during the month. It is disseminated by mail among Russian regional organizations, which don't have e-mail. At present time the circulation of "Vestnichka" is 150 copies. On the site http://www.owl.ru. 55 editions of "Vestnichka" are placed now. In 1999 to facilitate the users' work with this information array the site "Pointer to "Vestnichka of ICIWF" was created (http://www.owl.ru/win/infolist/ukazat.htm). It contains the references to the materials, placed in "Information Leaflets" since 1996. The information is structured by years and topics ("Events", "Organizations' Life", "Women's Health and Reproductive Rights of Women", "Children' Health", "Drug Addiction", "Violence against Women", "Partnership with Authority Bodies", "Legislation, Public Expertise of Bills", and others). The pointer to "Vestnichka" is included into 1st Women's Webring at the site Open Women Line (OWL). This information is an important electronic archive of Russian NGOs activities and presents an important Internet resource. |
![]() NUMBERS 1-6, 12, 13 OF THE NEWSLETTER "VESTNIK" are the review of current events in Women's Movement (circulation 500 - 1500 copies, 8 - 80 pages) |
![]() "VESTNIK" ##7, 7A - "WOMEN'S SAFETY" (circulation 800 and 1000 copies, 38 pages) "Vestnik" #7A is practically the additional circulation of the #7. The newsletters include the some results of the conference of the same name, which was provided by Petersburg Women's Crisis Center and ICIWF in April 26-28, 1996 in St. Petersburg. Representatives of different organizations from 17 cities of Russia (Astrahan, Dubna, Vyborg, Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Mirnyi, Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhniy Tagil, Perm, Pskov, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Tolyatti, Schelkova, Petrozavodsk) took part in this conference. It was not a traditional women's meeting. The participants of this conference were not only psychotherapists, doctors and lawyer, who are traditionally involved into this topic, but also philosophers, journalists, members of social defense departments of city administrations, the representatives of law enforcement bodies, and professors. The newsletter consists of 2 parts: statistics, where the data on different forms of violence against women performed, the kinds of help, which is necessary for victims of violence described; also the part includes abstracts of the conference speeches of the specialists who work in the sphere of safety. |
![]() ""VESTNIK" ##10, 11 - "NO TO DOMESTIC
VIOLENCE" (circulation 2000, 1000 copies; 88 and 48 pages). Number
11 is a brief version of number 10. These newsletters are the legislative manual, prepared on the materials of the public expertise of bill on "Base for social and legislative defense from domestic violence". The newsletters include the full text of the bills, the text of the Model legislation on domestic violence (UN recommendations) and the full text of conclusion of the public expertise of draft bill. These materials can provide legislative and social help to the victims of domestic violence as well as help in development the legislation on domestic violence prevention at local level. And the adopting of such a bill will promote the activity at federal level. |
![]() "VESTNIK" ##9, 14 - "WOMEN AND CULTURE" (circulation 1000 and 1200 copies; 80 and 112 pages) The program "Women and Creative Work" has been implementing since 1994 in the framework of ICIWF activity. The program has two main directions: seminars providing for women of Moscow, where the well-known writers, researches and lecturers are invited and international conferences providing. ICIWF prepared and provided two conferences: 1."Women and Culture" (May 1996). The researches from Russia, USA, Germany and Italy took part in this conference. "Vestnik" #9 was prepared on the materials of this conference. 2. "Women in Social and Cultural Space" (September 1997). In a contrast to the first conference, on which much attention was paid to study of literature, the second extended the sphere of discussed topics, it included history, philosophy, politology and culturology. Part of the conference materials and the some earlier seminars was published in "Vestnik" #14. In this newsletter essays on philosophy and women's position in philosophy, articles on status of women in medieval culture, stories about the well-known women are also published. |
![]() "VESTNIK" #15 "ABOUT OURSELVES" (in English)
(circulation - 600 copies, 48 pages) This newsletter is the collection of materials on activity of 36 organizations, which are the members of the Association of the Independent Women's Organizations. 33 of them are the organizations from Russia, 3 - from the near-by foreign countries (Belarus, Khazahstan, Ukraine). This edition includes the full contact information of all 36 organizations, so it can be used as a manual. |
![]() REGIONAL REPORT ON INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN IN THE COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (circulation - 200 copies, 19 pages) (in Russian). This newsletter is placed in the Internet. Its address is http://www.owl.ru/win/docum/regdoc.htm This edition is the translation of the Regional Report from English into Russian. This Report was prepared by NGOs for the 43rd session of UN Commission on the Status of Women. It is based on National Reports, prepared by women's NGOs from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine). This edition includes the information about National Machinery for the implementation of the Platform for Action, national programs and new legislation since the Beijing Conference, gender-desegregated data and research on women status, evaluation of functioning of the National Mechanisms in the opinion of NGOs. The analysis of former and present structures, which are involved in National Mechanisms, showed that the problems of women in Central and Eastern Europe are considered together with the questions of family, youth and children or with social and demography affairs. In some countries the word 'women' disappeared from the names of the National Mechanisms, which means that they can't be considered as national institutions, respectable for the advancement of women. The original version was publish in English by KARAT Coalition. |
WOMEN This edition is based on the report, prepared for the 43rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (March 1999, New York). This newsletter includes the review of National Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women in Russia, national programs since Beijing conference and their financial support, gender-desegregated data, and etc. In the supplements the Governmental Bills, President Decrees, related to the advancement of women are included. |
![]() This newsletter was prepared together with photo artist Anna Alchuk. This illustrated edition presents the gender analysis of advertisement, which we used to see in newsletters, newspapers, on the streets and in Moscow metro. The concrete examples are shown. Except the text this newsletter includes 20 photographs and 8 fragments from the projects of A. Alchuk and L. Gorlova. Up-to-date culture shows the tendency to the wide visualization. The texts are slowly forced out by images. The variety of services and goods caused advertising and its popularization. Outstanding photo-fragments of the project "Double Play", where in common image of a woman showed a man and visa versa call for a special interest. |
(circulation 10500 copies) This edition is a translation from English into Russian of the resume of Beijing Platform for Action. The Platform for Action marks the main obstacles for the advancement of women, these obstacles are united in 12 spheres of concern. To overcome the obstacles strategic aims and actions were defined. These actions should have been implemented before 2000 by States, International Community, NGOs, and private sector. This booklet includes the extracts of the text of Beijing Platform for Action in every of the spheres of concern (poverty, education and professional training, health, violence, armed conflicts, economics, decision-making, institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women, human rights, mass media, environment, girls). The original format of this edition makes it easy to use it. |
(circulation 1000 copies, 64 pages) The newsletter was published in cooperation with "Partner" Foundation on materials of the Jubilee Public and Political Reading "Women's Movement in the Context of Russian History". The materials of the Jubilee Reading were fixed on the tapescripts and videocassettes. As a result of the work the collection of reports was made, reflecting the coordination of the historical, research and practical components of Russian women's movement in the XX century. In the Reading took part leaders of 87 NGOs (74 of them are women's NGOs) from 34 cities of Russia and 4 cities of CIS, scientists, journalists, representatives of authority bodies, foundations, international organizations, Embassies, and etc. Totally 170 persons took part in this Reading.
During the Reading an exhibition "Russian Women: History and Contemporaneity" took place. It reflected the branches of activities of the up-to-date women's movement (from printed material to videocassettes and TV programs about women's position in the society and about women's NGOs). 26 organizations, including research centers and universities, took part in this exposition. The Public and Political Reading was held to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the First All-Russian Women's Congress (December 1908, St. Petersburg). More than 1000 participants from the most districts of Russia took part in the Congress. There were representatives of different women's organizations, units and groups, women's fractions in political parties and researches, journalists, representatives of the political and social promoters. The main goals of this Congress was to unite women for fighting for their human rights, to present the activity of women in social, educational and economical spheres. It is interesting to notice that it was the first anniversary, which was commemorated in Russia during the last 90 years. |
(circulation - 100 copies, 137 pages) This newsletter is the collection of materials on activity of 36 organizations, which are the members of the Association of the Independent Women's Organizations. 33 of them are the organizations from Russia, 3 - from the near-by foreign countries (Belarus, Khazahstan, Ukraine). This edition includes the full contact information of all 36 organizations, so it can be used as a manual.
SESSION OF THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY (unofficial translation). |
AND THE STATUS OF WOMEN". EXPERIENCE OF CITY NOVGOROD VELIKY. 2000 Editorial group: The edition is carried out in the framework of activity under the project "The City Policy and the Status of Women" at support of Institute "Open society" - Russia (Soros's Fund). Experience of Novgorod Veliky in reforming housing and communal services is published in the given newsletter. The material is prepared by editorial group of ICIWF on the basis of written expert judgements and oral performances on actions under the project. |
SPECIAL SESSION OF THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY (5-9 JUNE, 2000). The edition is prepared by ICIWF in the framework of activity CARAT Coalition at support of Ford Foundation. The additional circulation is prepared at support of Information center of the United Nations in Moscow. Special session of General Assembly of the United Nations "Women in 2000: equality between men and women, development and the world in XXI century", known also as Beijing+5, has passed in Headquarters of the United Nations Organization in New York from June, 5 till June, 9th, 2000. It has concentrated attention to consideration of examples of successful experience, the positive shifts, the received lessons, and also on remaining obstacles and key problems. At session the further steps and initiatives on achievement of an equality of sexes in a new millenium also have been considered. In the end of work of special session the governments of the countries have made the political application calling for acknowledgement of the obligations on performance of the Beijing Platform of actions. Two projects of resolutions have been accepted: "The Political declaration" and "The Further measures and initiatives on realization of the Beijing declaration and the Platform of actions". The given release represents extraction from projects of resolutions. Composers have kept accuracy of formulations, numbering of items and sequence of a statement. |
AND THE STATUS OF WOMEN". EXPERIENCE OF SARATOV. 2001 Editorial group: The edition is carried out in the framework of activity under the project "Women in management of cities" at support of Institute "Open society" - Russia (Soros's Fund). In this newsletter unique experience of city of Saratov in the organization of territorial public self-management and its financing from means of the city budget is presented. The material is prepared by editorial group of ICIWF on the basis of appearances of the project's participants within actions on problems of cities and a role of women in their decision, written expert opinions of the project which studied operational experience of Saratov local bodies not only at seminars, but also getting acquainted with their work directly on places. |
POLICY. EXPERIENCE OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITY". Moscow, 2002 Editorial group: This edition was carried out in the framework of the activity under the project "Engendering city policy and developing city self-governance", financed by Canadian Gender Fund for Women and the project "Information center as new social institute of empowerment of women" financed by H.Boelle Foundation. The experience of activity under the project of ICIWF "Engendering city policy and developing city self-governance" is discribed in this edition. Reconsideration of technologies and mechanisms of introduction of the gender approach in the city policy is described. The project was carried out by ICIWF (Moscow) together with regional partners: "Sodeystvie" (Chelyabinsk), "Women of ZATO" (Snezhinsk), "Stimula" (Dubna), "Authority: time local" (Tarusa) in 2001-2002 at the financial support of the Canadian Gender Fund for Women. |
![]() THEMATIC NEWSLETTER "VESTNIK" # 22 "DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE LOCAL COMMUNITIES. RETOZAVODSK CITY EXPERIENCE". Moscow, 2003. It is placed in the Internet: http://www.owl.ru/win/women/org001/v22/v22.htm Editorial group: The edition is prepared by ICIWF in the framework of the activity under the project "Information center as new social institute of emowerment of women" financed by H.Boelle Foundation. Cooperation experience of public organizations and Petrozavodsk city administration for developing local communities is presented in this newsletter. The mechanism of involving neighbour's groups, councils of territorial public self-management and public organizations for performance of the municipal order on operating repair and an maintenance work of houses common space on a competition based are described. The experience of local community activities in St.-Petersburg city and Saratov city is described in the appendices. The newsletter is prepared by editorial group on the basis of documentations about the seminars hold in Petrozavodsk city by ICIWF during 1999 - 2002. Free of charge |
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