Conception of gender policy of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FITUR)
Federation of independent trade unions of Russia
The present document contains conceptual approaches of FITUR to the subject of gender equality and main directions of trade inions activities on practical securing of equal rights and opportunities for men and women in social, labour and political relations.
Federal law is aimed at realization of clauses of articles 17 (part 1) and 19 (part 3) of the Russian Federation Constitution as well as realization of international documents about women's rights that according to the article 15 of the Russian Federation Constitution are integral part of the legal system of Russia.
Prepared to the special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization "Women in 2000: equality between men and women, development and peace in the XXI century", Moscow, 2000.
Social and economic transformations carried out in Russia in 1994-1998 resulted in radical changes in all the spheres of social life - in economics, politics, social structure of the society. Russia has made principal steps in the direction of switching to the market type of economics, preceded to deep reforming of the social relations' system.
State Duma Committee on women, family and youth issues.
Conception of legislative activities aimed at securing of equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women (further - Conception) is based on the fact that women's rights are an integral part of human rights in general. Equality of rights and freedoms of citizens regardless of the sex is pronounced and secured by the Russian Federation Constitution, legislation of the Russian Federation as well as by the standards of international legislation. Article 19 of the Russian federation Constitution proclaims, "men and women have equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for its realization".
Since 1994 the Russian Women's NGO - "East-West: Women's Innovation
Projects" publishes the social and enlightening magazine "Woman
plus...". This publication attempts to compensate represeubed by the
lack of a press for women. The purposes of the magazine are:
to assisst women to be involved in social and economic life of society,
to spread Russian and foreign experience of women's civil initiatives,
to give women opportunity to express their opinion about actual and
important problems.
"Woman plus..." differs from the most non-commercial publications in
the following respects:
prime readers of the magazine as well as authors of most of the articles
are women,
it publishes beside informational and statistical data, also analitical
it includes a lot of enlightening materials,
it covers a broad spectrum of problems,
it is published in two languages. Russian and English version.
It makes possible to inform the public abroad about social transformations
going on in our country. Periodicity of the publication is 3-4 issues
a year.
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