ZhIF - Zhensky Innovatsionny Fond "Vostok-Zapad"
or Women's Innovation Fund "East-West" (English)
The mission statement and current major activity.
ZhIF is a non-profit non-governmental organisation which sees its mission
in promoting prosperous democratic society for all citizens of with equal
rights and opportunities helping women to become actively involved in fulfilling
socio-economic, political and legal objectives and providing them with
knowledge and skills for participating in decision making at all levels.
The basic goals of the organisation are as follows:
to promote the active
participation of women in the power structures and at all levels of decision
making; to assist Russian women
in turning their attitudes from passive into active; to educate women and provide
an access to the necessary information which will help them to become more
active and co-ordinate their civic initiatives; to develop intercultural
connections and spread out teaching and networking experience; to build experience and
introduce innovations into the educational system.
ZhIF was founded in 1992 as a joint project of women from the German
Women's Foundation Frauen-Anstiftung e.V. and
women from the new independent women's movement in Russia. It has been
registered in 1993 as Moscow social organisation though its activities
extend to various regions of Russia and abroad.