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  N4, 2000


In the last issue of "Woman Plus…" we published the essay of Yunna P. Morits "To be a woman poet in Russia…" - a work with a not simple history. Here is what the author herself is telling:

"My essay "To be a woman poet in Russia" was published first in May 1976 in Warsaw in the magazine "Literature in the world", in Polish translation.

Until this moment a lot of people in Moscow and Petersburg then Leningrad have read it and some of them even made unsuccessful attempts to publish essay in thick and thin magazines. Since that time I have been keeping a note with the correspondence of two executives of a respectable literary publishing house. The subordinate executive to his chief - "To take away the excesses in characteristics of Akhmatova and Tsvetayeva and to make it "lighter" in general… Would you in principle approve it - we would polish it up". The higher chief in replay: "Have you no fear of God? Look through the text - where does it call".

They were good people and had fear of God and did not polish it up.

More than twenty years flew by since that time, every year I had not less than 5 meetings with my readers and I have read not less than hundred times fragments from my essay in Moscow, Leningrad and in other cities in Russia and abroad - not counting published interviews and conversations where I cited from this essay. And it seemed to me, as if essay was already published".

Fortunately Yunna Petrovna was mistaken. Her "rebellious essay" written in 1975 was first published in 1993 in the magazine "Oktyabr". And after seven year the text of essay was given to the magazine "Woman Plus…" and it reached the readers again in full.

We kindly thank Yunna Morits for the given possibility to publish her essay and congratulate heartily our favorite poetess on awarding her the Triumph Prize in the field of literature and art.