According to specialists up to a half of children suffers from so called hyperactivity. The number of such children increases steadily not only in our country, but all over the world also. If a child is hyperactive, not only he or she suffers difficulties, but those around them as well: parents, classmates, teachers... Such a child needs timely help, or later on he or she could develop into an asocial, even psychopathic person. As is known hyperactive children make up a significant part among juvenile delinquents.
Providing help to a hyperactive child is a very complex process, and a lot of secret obstacles arise in the process of aqbsolute recovery. Here is a story about such a first class boy told me by a directress of studies at a school in Moscow region.
A well developed boy was admitted into an advanced class of a common middle school. But it turned out that he was not able to learn in this class. The reason was simple: extreme aggressiveness of a hyperactive child caused continual conflicts with classmates. Once a girl was injured quite seriously by him. Parents revolted and attacked the directress: "Take away this lad from our class, we fear for our children!"
The lad had to be transfered to another class. But the same problems arose there also. Pupils in that class turned out to be more cunning. Babies quickly got the point and realized that if he pushed one of them yesterday, and today struck a blow somebody else, so they should unite themselves and act against him together. Well, a normal responce to irritation... But once this non-equal opposition came to an end in the following way: a lonely boy armed with a ski-stick (obviously after a skirmish in the class), in a fit of anger and highly excited, was running about the school, not letting anybody approach him. Teachers and senior pupils invited for help could not approach him and somehow calm him down. After this he, being braught to the school by his father, usually did not go immediately to the class, but hung about the school or was sitting at the directress' office.
Did the school try to help him somehow? Yes, it tried as much as possible... Talks with a psychologist were arranged, teechers tried to find an approach to him, the parents were called for to the school more than once. As it turned out, it was the father who bring him up, the parents are divorced. Mother lives alone and as she explained she is even unable to bring the sun to her place for weekends because she gets tired of her own sun. And father evidently was too cruel bringing up his sun, thus stimulating agressiveness of the hyperactiv child.
Children's psychiatrist after examination of the boy came to the conclusion that his intelligence level is above average and recommended individual training at home with school teachers attending some lessons at scholl in the presence of the father. But the school-year was coming to the end an arrangement of training at home was postponed till autumn. And till then he was advised to learn at a special sanatorium for hyperactive children. However it was rumoured that he was expelled from there and neither in the end of the school-year, nor in the beginning of the next he was seen in the school. In short a sad story, isn't it?
So what is hyperactivity, and how we, adults, should correct our behaviour so that to assist the process of socialization of a hyperactive child?
Hyperactivity usually means too restless, fidgety physical and mental activity of a child when excitation prevails over inhibition. Doctors suppose that hyperactivity is a result of a slight affection of the brain, which is impossible to be diagnosed by tests. Speaking the language of science we deel with a minimal brain disfunction. Symptoms of hyperactivity of a child appear already in early childhood. Then his or her emotional instability and aggressiveness frequently give rise to conflicts in family and at school. I asked to comment on this situation a school psychologist Alla Dyachkova who studies the problems of hyperactive children for several years already.

Who - boys or girls - show evidence of hyperactive behaviour more frequently?

Boys. Obviously standards of social behaviour dominate over girls to a greater extent, from the very childhood they inspire them with obedience. Just to relax a girl may cry out, while a boy in the same situation would rather fly into a rage.

What are the symptoms of hyperactivity?

A hyperactive child is very unorganised. He or she can't keep still just for a second, affects his or her schoolmates excitingly and it makes difficult to conduct a lesson. Such children are always in conflict with somebody. Disturbances in their behaviour are common in any environment. Calm children are just afraid of such "a small volcano" or antagonized by them.
In company of strangers a hyperactive child longs to be the focus of attention of everybody by hook or by crook. Such a child needs rapid succestion of circumstances, outdoor games.

Can you mention some peculiarities of perception typical for hyperactive children?

Besides intensive physical activity which makes others so uneasy, hyperactive children show attention disorders. A child can't concentrate attention on studies neither in class, nor at home. His or her attention instantaneously switches to something else, and when it concentrates at learning again, a part of a lesson is missed. A child don't understand anything, a lesson becomes a bore to him or her, he or she doesn't want to learn any more. As a result a child lags behind others in learning, new problems pile up on the old ones, heaps of them are growing on and on.
Mentality of hyperactive children is predominately concrete and insystematic. They used to be very talkative. Abstract mentality, necessary for doing sums, is poorly developed.
Difficulties in studies are very common to hyperactive children and are conditioned by peculiarities of their perception. People not always understand this. They used to attribute to them such faults as "a lack of intelligence", they explain his or her "terrible behaviour" as a result of "wrong training". It's not a surprise, because a border is very subtle. Only a specialist - psychoneurologist or even neuropsychologist - can determine that a child suffers hyperactivity.

Such a child obviously needs a special help in order to adapt himself or herself to the surroundings, not to feel as he or she were an outcast. Who can help such a child and how?

A sincere desire of the parents to help their child - that's what matters. They should discuss it among themselves in order to create more understanding and more tolerant relations within the family. They should do their best to make climate at home as calm as possible. To arrange a dayly time-table in a proper way is also important. A child should have a vent to his/her hyperactivity, safe for the others It may be sport with the exception of wrestling, because it provokes aggressiveness and hyperactive children have it enough and to spare. You should not arrange competitions as well. When a child is competing with somebody, trying to prove he's/she's better, a child feels disturbance and excitedness. It is contra-indicated for hyperactive children, their nervous system is overexcided without it.
Teachers, from the other hand, also can help a child to realize his or her hyperactivity. When in class a child feels like walking, moving around, a teacher should find him/her something to do: "Help me to hand out copy-books", "Wipe off the blackboard", "Bring a piece of chalk"... A child would do it with pleasure. Otherwise he or she would drop a pen, get under the desk, give a push to his/her desk-fellow again and again... And the only reason is that a child got tired to be seated. A teacher should notice it at the right moment when a child is through, and then repeat a material with him or her.

You said, there may be a few of such children in a class. Considering that classes in the Russian schools are usually overcrowded a teacher would hardly be able to work with every such a child individually.

Yes, you are right. The world has come across this problem long ago. There are special classes for hyperactive children in some countries, there are not more than 15 pupils in them and a lesson lasts not more than half an hour. Both a child and a teacher feel easy in such a class. Common Russian scholls have no opportunities for that. Nevertheless very much depends on eagerness of a teacher to help a hyperactive child. As far parents are concerned they may invite a coach who will train their child during summer holydays and catch him or her up with the rest of the class.

And how often do parents take advice of a psychiatrist?

Usually parents do not know at all what kind a doctor they may consult. Sometimes they are afraid to consult a specialist, especially a psychoneurologist because they fear to "spoil" their child's medical card, where this information would be written down. Nevertheless it's necessary to do so.
Condition of a child would not change by itself. We should help a child to adapt socially, and do it in such a way so a child would not lose inner comfort and develope depression.

What is a general prognosis of this disease?

First of all prognosis is determined by early diagnose and treatment. A success of treatment depends on all the recomendations of specialists to be implemented as strictly as possible. According to the observations of the majority of doctors and psychologists a general motor activity decreases with age and emerged neurological changes gradually improve. Connections in the brain of a child, not existed at all or broken, arise. This process come to the end in the age of about fifteen. So if you have a hyperactive child, help him or her, everything is in your powers.