


Abriged version of the article "Psychological Problems of Under-age Mathers Abandoning Their Children" from the book "Early Social Orphanhood (Medical, Social and Psychological Problems)"

Social orphanhood is one of the most serious problems of our society. For example in the period of the latest 5-6 years the share of social orphans (i.e. orphans whose parents are alive) in children's homes of Moscow among the main contingent increased from 23% up to 48%. Simultaniously admission in this children's institutions decreased to 11% and birth rate in general decreased as half as less. It is young girls in the age of 15-19 who abandon their children most frequently.
Early promiscuous start of sexual life among teenagers became typical. 40-60% of under-age persons live sexual life. In recent 30 years in Russia fertility of women below 20 increased from 28.4% to 47.8% (in Moscow in 1994 six thousands of under-age girls gave birth to a child). The main reason of this fact is that teenagers in our country know almost nothing about contraception. Almost half of them live sexual life without preventing from pregnancy. They don't think about probable consequences.
Physiological and psychological unreadiness of many of girls-teenagers for bearing a child is accompanied by a high rate of complications of pregnancy and delivery, prematurely born children, ill and injured childs. Besides physical burden immature person of young pregnant woman suffers as a rool severe emotional injuries. For almost a third of young mothers their motherhood is so undesirable that during pregnancy they make criminal tries to interrupt their pregnancy.
Pregnancy of under-age woman is usually a reason of serious conflicts in her family. Family usually is not ready, neither morally, nor financially, to preserve it. According to V.K.Yuryev positive responce to a birth of a child of their young daughter was observed only among 60% of parents, 15.6% of them considered it in a extremely negative way and more than 14% of parents insisted on interrupting of pregnancy even at later periods, when there was a real danger for health and life of their own child.
But the most serious consequences of under-age woman's pregnancy threaten a child being born. One of the most dramatic fact is that mojority of under-age mothers leave their children to the mercy of fate. Up to 15% of new-born children abandoned in maternity homes are children of under- age mothers. About the same amount of newborns, born by teenagers, "temporarily" are kept in children's homes owing to unability of a mother to fulfil her maternal obligations.
So why young mothers so frequently and with such persistence abandon their children? From our point of view the most significant is the fact that young pregnant women and girl-mothers in our country, inspite of seeming indifference of society towards them, they are under very strong "moral" pressure. Almost 40% of girls in fear of an adverse responce of their parents keep in secret their pregnancy and thus preserving it don't go to a gynaecologist. A traditional tenor of life of many Russian families, a peculiar "totalitarian mentality" formed not only among elder, but middle generation as well, are characterized by hostile attitude towards alien morality, morality of youth. As a result pregnancy of a young woman becomes sometimes a reason of severe conflicts in families. Very often these conflicts turn out to be fatal and compel young girls to leave their families, to join asocial companies, make them tramp, whore, etc.
Those moral standards and behaviour patterns which then transform in a dramatic experience of a woman, who abandon her child, take shape in family. Such families are characterized by a low level of socialization of some of its members, a high level of personal and behaviour disorders, mental diseases, alcoholism of parents, a low educational and cultural level, tolerance towards aggressive forms of behaviour, residential and financial problems for lack of place to live in and enough money to live on. Women "abandonists" are being brought up in incomplete family much more frequently in comparison with an average rate among population as a whole.
A question arises: Are there some specific characterological peculiarities of a person which might break up a natural process of formation of preparedness for motherhood? Our investigations have shown that women with distinct emotional impetuosity, low stress tolerance, egocentrism and dependence, are much more common (more than 75%) among those abandoning their children. That is why opinion of parents copmrises a considerable part (42%) among motives of abandoning a child, sometimes for even adult and independent women: "I can't come at my parents' place with a child not having a father." As usual such dependant women feel in complicated situations an emptiness around themselves, feel their loneliness. They are unable to control their inclinations and impulses. It makes them too dependent upon surroundings, provokes an acute need of attachment, "admission", positive attitude towards herself. Naturally therefore a considerable part of those polled consistently declares values adopted by society.
Social and psychological surveys of women abandoning their children show that an abandonment motivation formation process goes differently due to value orientations of a woman, her personal characteristics, a condition of her mental health, social situation realities of her shaping as a person and actual situation of conception and bearing pregnancy. From this point of view abandonment of a child is a result of the crisis of motives. A character and content of this crisis are variable. Following crises might be distiguished: a) by initial absence of such a motivation, b) by initial of substitution of motives, c) by initial motivatedness for motherhood.
a) In those cases when pregnancy is uninspected and undesirable it is negative for women from the very beginning, because her system of values is dominated by quite diffent needs (i.e. education to be continued, career, business, entertainments etc.). In more favourable cases, with enough social support available, a liberal family situation, developing pregnancy gives rise to motherhood instinct and gradually shifts value reference-points towards preserving pregnancy. In other, unfortunatelly much more numerous cases situation is fraught with conflicts because undesirable pregnancy psychologically is experienced as alien and even as hostile up to delivery of a child. Initial absence of motherhood motives can be observed also in cases of an unplanned pregnancy of young, under-age girls as well as in cases of pregnancies caused by rape.
b) Pregnancy might be preserved on the basis of false motivations. Normally motivation of pregnancy for most women is ambiguous. A motive in having a child includes simultaniosly psychological, social and even economic senses.
In the structure of reproductive motivation a psychological motive of child-bearing defines a desire to get from a child emotional satisfaction, to understand a purport of life more deeply, to determine development of a new human being. From the social positions a desire to be a mother is determined by the urge to prolong one's own stock, a sequence of generations, to live one's own family, to enhance one's own authority. From the economic point of view as a result of a child-birth one expects to improve one's own well-being, to solve some of one's own life problems, to improve living conditions. This structure has its own hierarchy. It is dynamic and variable, but at the same time most women show a domination of altruistic motives, aimed at creation an optimal social and psychological environment for bringing up a child.
From the moment of birth of a child a woman is swayed by contradictory feelings. The French psychologist K. Rekanye claims that ambivalence of feelings of a young mother with love and aggressiveness interlaced together on the neurotic level is expressed by anxiety conserning viability of her infant or explicit fears that somebody would take her child and leave her another one, as well as by other associated phobias. An alternative is aggressiveness and animocity towards a newborn child.
A profound want of a young mother of gratitude does not find satisfaction in growth and good behaviour of her child, in appropriate behaviour of her husband. A child itself becomes a symbol of woman's defeat in private life and thus is a form of violence towards a woman who is not prepared for motherhood. All this results in a profound anxiety of her. Women try to manage with it by means of dogged persistency, rudiness and as an extreme measure, by means of voluntary abandoning a child.
c) And at last the third variant. It joins the cases when pregnancy arises in conditions of well developed motivation to preserve a child. In these cases abandoning of a child used to be practically forced and under pressure of the second persons, usually parents or a husband of "abandonist" woman. Such cases are relatively rare, but they are always accompanied by serious psychological injuries of women.
Summarizing all the abovementioned one can consider that on the psychological level a complex of reasons as a result of which a woman abandons her child, may be represented in the following costituents:
1. A lack of own volitional, intellectual resources for solving a complicated life situation arose which is perceived as "a situation of inability". For example, parents of an under-age mother blame her for giving birth to a child out of wedlock and "they'll never let him or her set foot on our threshold", or "you are living off our bread".
2. Individual resources are enough, but a child does not meet mother's plans in life. At the same time a value of motherhood in general and her own desire to have children in future in particularly are declared. The vector of feelings is oriented towards a situation in future and that in present is perceived as a dissappointing obstacle.
3. A sensation of a lack of social support. Not so much availability or absence of real support as subjective sensation of such a support plays in this case an important role.
4. Strong emotional charge of a situation of pregnancy and delivery. In this situation an adverse response to the beloved man who has left her or an acute stress response to the rape is transfered upon a child, as a result indifference or disgust towards him or her arise. In these cases a probable dynamics of the emotional constituent during pregnancy and especially after delivery is as following: from disgust to sympathy and pity. In this case she-"abandonist" feels an agonizing inner conflict between two opposite tendencies: between one's own firm decision to abandon her child in revenge upon an offender or under pressure of the surroundings and emotions towards this child which have awoke inside her. A short-term stay in a maternity home do not give to a woman a real opportunity to arrive at a considered and adequate decision.