
The Feminist Orientation Center (FOC) was registered as a non-governmental non-profit organization in July 7, 1993 by the Justice Administration of Moscow.
Its registration number is 2646.

Contact person: Marina Liborakina, the Center Director;
tel./fax: 7 (095) 395-5864;
e-mail: feminist@glas.apc.org

In order to provide an ongoing forum for public education, research and training, the Feminist Orientation Center was established by a group of young scholars and practitioners. Registered as a non-governmental non-profit organization in May 1993, the Center began as an informal women's group in 1991. Its Research Unit works under the auspices of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research. The Center Director is Dr. Marina Liborakina.

Believing that the development of a civil society includes actions aimed at overcoming discrimination against women, Center staff conduct both applied research and training with an emphasis on two topical areas:

Marina Liborakina

1. Women's Empowerment. Training and Consciousness-Raising Activities:

2. Civil Society Development:
