On-line data base "Women's Rights & Opportunities"

We offer to input your information here, if you suppose it concerning this data base (it can be books, report, articles or brochures, which are your own or your organization, but actual). In such way you can include your information or documentation to open information resource!

Examples for input selected by *. Please, use these rules for accessibility of your information!

Title of the book (brochure, report, etc):* Terra femina: women and human rights

Author: * Ashworth, Georgina

or corporate author: * University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Austria

Language of text in the book:  rus  eng  fre  ger

Publisher: * Rio de Janeiro, IDAC, Brasil

Date published (year) :            Page: 
Notes (reference book or it has an address list, etc): * This item includes the list of women's organizations.

Please, select the broad subject for your book:
To select click the mouse with button "ctrl". Please, indicate not more than 4 positions..

Please, indicate not more than 5 key words for your book:

Please, indicate the countries, if the item has identification of case studies and particular local experiences:

Please, write here abstract (annotation) for book.:

Date of input information (DD/MM/YY):

Your name:

Where this information can be located (name of organization, etc):

Your e-mail:                 

Your post address:           

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