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 OWL Публикации

Женщины 2000

24-06-2002 KCGS


New Publication: "Women 2000: An Investigation into the Status of Women's Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States".

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) published "Women 2000: An Investigation into the Status of Women's Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States" in 2000. The report details the status of women's rights in twenty-nine countries, examining aspects such as the legal framework and national machinery addressing discrimination against women; educational opportunities; women's participation in public life, politics, media, the business sector, academia and civil society; violence against women, including sexual violence; women's de facto
exploitation by way of prostitution and trafficking in women; the situation of women within distinctive and vulnerable groups such as ethnic minorities, sexual minorities and prisoners or the situation of women and armed conflict and as refugees.

To view the report, please visit:

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Портал создан при содействии Фонда им. Генриха Белля (Германия) и поддержан Посольством США в Москве и женским фондом Mama Cash
Редакция портала "Женщина и общество" благодарит Глобальный Фонд для Женщин (США) за поддержку в 2005 году
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РОО "Восток-Запад: Женские Инновационные Проекты"
Электронная почта: zhip@owl.ru, zhip@mail.ru
Телефон/факс: +7(499) 940-8294
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